
ANA-Care Home Healhcare Services

Vaccination Service At Home

We provide the best vaccination service at home in the Lahore, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi areas. We are the best vaccine service provider in all of Punjab. Our staff is available 24/7.

Vaccination is an easy, secure, and potent way of protecting individuals from different kinds of dangerous diseases like polio, rabies, Measles, Flu, Diphtheria, and COVID-19 was most important nowadays.  

  • Why is Vaccination needed?

Due to this harmful disease as it is in the information at the start of 2020, CORONA took place and millions of people died. Because no medication or vaccine was being introduced for getting a cure for this virus. In 2021, scientists found the vaccination dose. After its inauguration, the demand for the vaccine increased rapidly just because the virus hit many people.

Nowadays, due to the rapid increase in infections and viruses, vaccination has become very important for getting protected from these problems.

  • What Vaccines do?

Vaccination is a regime of vaccines that assists the immunity system of a sufferer in developing immunity from a disorder. Vaccines work to maintain the immunity of a person from harmful viruses. It`s only due to the strive for immunization that now children and other people are able to walk, run, sit and do many activities like this in their lives easily. 

Viruses and diseases that destroy millions of lives are fending off by vaccination.  The vaccine is an antibody which is developed to fight that specific disorder and cure the person. It is done only when a vaccine is injected into the body of a person the liquid in that injection goes into the body and fights against that germs.

  • Why Vaccination is important?

Vaccination is considered very important in today’s time because many viruses and infections are widely spreading. Its importance is that if many persons in the community get vaccinated then there are minimum chances of the spread of that disease. It also protects those people who aren’t vaccinated.

Just like Corona, this is a virus that attacks rapidly to all. This virus is converted from one person to another and many people died due to this disease.

The government of Pakistan and other countries government are taking different steps to strictly maintain the rules for getting vaccinated so the rapid increase of the virus should get lower.

  • What is the timing and durability of getting vaccinated?


When a child opens his/her eyes in this world the process of vaccination starts from that time. This Immunization process varies from 1-9 months after the birth of a child to give him/her safety from viral diseases. After this period, it doesn’t come to an end it continues in life according to the need.


  • How you can get Vaccination Service at home?

Service of Vaccination can be taken from any health center near you or it can be taken from any healthcare services provider company that will provide you these services at your home. ANA-Care® Home Healthcare Services is a firm that provides the best vaccination service at home. They provide the facility of vaccination at any place you need.

  • From where I can get the best staff for vaccination?

ANA-Care ® Company of Home Healthcare Services provides reliable vaccination service at home | +923214894443. We have a medical team of female and male nurse workers who will assist you in providing this facility of vaccine at your doorstep or anywhere you need. The only thing you have to do is just dial our number on your phone and talk to any team member who will help you in giving the service as per your need it. We serve in all main cities of Punjab Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Gujranwala and in other cities also as per demand.




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